Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012

Ahoy there amigos
(for some strange reason, I had that mixed greeting in my head),

Been jet setting and paddling gently in the lovely cool relaxed month that is December.
I'm not sure that I'm entirely ready for 2012 but it's here nonetheless, and may it be a good one.
The past year was a mix of ups and downs, like any year.
I'm so glad we managed to pull off a house painting (with accompanying massive clean up!) this past year, and we had a family trip to Kota Kinabalu which was thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated. All the more so with my dad being diagnosed with cancer later in the year. We have been so blessed with so many people looking out for us, helping us and showing such great kindness. We are thankful for each one of you.

And of course a lovely trip to Bali with best friends, days of pampering and recuperating from a busy year.

I am thankful for everything, every day, every blessing both big and small. Thank you, heavenly Father.

Speaking of Everything, I adore this song... enjoy. It takes me back to windy days up in Jimbaran, surrounded by mountains and blue skies and the green hues of the tree tops around us.


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