Monday, April 4, 2011

Art that I do not understand

Barn in Hangar
House in Dinosaur
Old gates. I like taking photos of old things.

Love the temporary Toast Box joint. Here, my new blue box (courtesy of D and F) takes a rest.

Up the stairs. Love the old stairs too!

Ditto old spiral staircases.
My first time up the control tower. The scale-like design is just like the old (and new) St. Andrew's School.
Ye Olde Kallang Airport.

In the garden.

Ok, there are lots of things I don't understand about modern art. So I looked for my own kind of art at the Singapore Biennale. Buildings. Photos. Food.

I leave you with an artwork of my own :)
Kallang Airport in Miniature by Manda (1/1).

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